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Countryside Management
Level 2
Study Mode
1 - 1.5 years
Start Date
Any Time
The course
Do you want to undertake challenging work outdoors, in a variety of locations? As a Countryside Worker, you will be doing just that, carrying out specific environmental and conservation tasks.
As an apprentice, you'll learn alongisde experienced staff, developing your skills through practical application. You'll be released from your work to undertake training at the college to further your knowledge.
Course Information
- To develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours, as required for employment and future career progression within the industry.
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Countryside Legislation
- Climate Change
- Sustainability
- Map Reading
- Construct and Repair Boundaries
- Use Hand Tools and Powered Tools
You will need appropriate employment within the game and wildlife sector. It is preferable that you have a minimum GCSE grade 3/D in English and Maths.
You will develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours through a mixture of practical and theoretical sessions. A blended learning approach will assist your development and progression.
You will be released from weok one day per week to undertake training at the college.
- Stationery such as pens and paper
- An electronic device to access online learning, i.e. a laptop
- Boots, hi-vis best and appropriate outdoor clothing for practical sessions