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Bishop Burton Big Birthday Bash - Sunday 25th May

A day of fun and celebrations for all the family!  Join us for activities, entertainment and FREE ACCESS to the Bishop Burton Horse Trials.


HEY Skills Partnership

Bishop Burton College is leading a major partnership skills project across Hull and the East Yorkshire region, funded by the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) from the Department for Education.

Following a £2.5 million investment from the Department for Education (DfE) to implement the key priorities and recommendations for post-16 technical education and training, Bishop Burton College has led the Skills Partnership between fellow post-16 education providers TEC Partnership (East Riding College), Hull College, Wyke 6th Form College, Wilberforce Sixth Form College and HETA to develop and implement a series of cutting-edge training solutions across the local area. Endorsed by the Humber Chamber of Commerce, they will act as the designated Employer Representative Body for the Hull and East Yorkshire LSIP.


The Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) enabled each provider to establish relationships with local employers to ensure the initiative ideas for future training are relevant, robust and future proof. These exciting initiatives were showcased at an interactive continued professional development event for teaching practitioners and industry professionals.


A focus on technical transformation skills across Agri-tech, Health and Social Care, Construction, Engineering Construction and Manufacturing, with an emphasis on low carbon initiatives; and secondly, the development of skills required to support the training of workforces who will encounter a very different employment future through digital transformation. This includes Virtual Reality (VR) and ICT infrastructure, the creation of VR content and innovation in teaching and learning leveraging AI application. Digital qualification modules and progression pathways are also being developed, alongside digital careers guidance and accessibility applications.


To establish the start of this exciting and innovative partnership, representatives took park in a showcase event to demonstrate the progress already made, and the aspirations of each key area. The Hull and East Yorkshire Skills Partnership is already implementing new technologies and practices into qualifications and are open to applications for September 2024. The funding is also supporting people to access Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs), which provide a means to gain in-demand, higher level industry standard skills, as an alternative to a three-year degree programme.

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