In the future, I am hoping to progress onto a university course to help me towards my end goal to become a Zookeeper.
The best aspect of the course is the opportunities to work with a wide range of animals in the animal unit. The most challenging aspect of the course is finding a way to juggle the work and get things started but once they are started they can be quick to get done and also tutors are there to help if you need any help.
I gained work experience at a dog groomers. Even though I don't want to become a dog groomer, it has allowed me to learn how to properly wash and dry a dog. As well as transferable skills such as, how to deal with difficult situations with animals, and helped me gain confidence when handling animals.
During my time at college, I have been on a few different zoo trips, these trips have been great to see animals in a different environment and spend time with your friends that you make there.
My top tip for starting college is to always bring a power bank and lots of different coloured pens as they really helped me when doing work and making notes.
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